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How Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites to service NEOM, the Kingdom and MEA, transforming connectivity to businesses and rural communities


LEO Satellites High-Speed Internet NEOM Saudi Arabia MEA Region Digital Divide Remote Areas Connectivity

Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites are revolutionising connectivity by providing high-speed, low-latency internet services to remote and underserved areas. For regions like NEOM in Saudi Arabia, the broader Kingdom, and the Middle East and Africa (MEA), LEO satellites offer a transformative solution to bridge the digital divide and support the digital transformation of businesses and rural communities.

Enhancing Connectivity in Remote Areas

NEOM, Saudi Arabia’s ambitious smart city project, is designed to be a hub for innovation, business, and living. Its remote location, however, poses a challenge for connectivity. LEO satellites, orbiting between 160 to 2,000 kilometers above the Earth, can provide NEOM with the high-speed internet necessary for its advanced infrastructure and technological ecosystem.

Servicing the Broader Kingdom and MEA

Saudi Arabia and the wider MEA region have vast rural and remote areas where traditional terrestrial internet infrastructure is either non-existent or insufficient. LEO satellite constellations, such as SpaceX’s Starlink, OneWeb, and others, are well-suited to service these areas. They can offer:

  • High-Speed Internet: LEO satellites can provide internet speeds comparable to fiber-optic networks, making high-bandwidth applications like video streaming, online education, and telemedicine accessible to rural communities.
  • Low Latency: The closer proximity of LEO satellites to the Earth’s surface compared to geostationary satellites significantly reduces latency, making real-time applications like video conferencing and online gaming more feasible.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: LEO satellite networks can be scaled up quickly to meet increasing demand or redirected to provide additional capacity in areas experiencing temporary connectivity needs, such as during natural disasters or large-scale events.

Transforming Business and Rural Communities

Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

For businesses, especially those in the technology, finance, and e-commerce sectors, reliable and high-speed internet connectivity is crucial. LEO satellites can provide the backbone for digital infrastructure, supporting innovation, remote work, and digital services.

In rural communities, improved connectivity can:

  • Boost Economic Development: By enabling access to online markets, financial services, and educational resources, LEO satellites can stimulate local economies and create new #opportunities for entrepreneurship.
  • Improve Education and Healthcare: Access to high-speed internet allows for online learning platforms and telemedicine services, improving education and healthcare access in remote areas.
  • Enhance Government Services: LEO satellites can support the delivery of e-government services, making it easier for citizens in remote areas to access public services and information.

LEO #satellites are poised to transform connectivity in #NEOM, Saudi Arabia, and the broader MEA region. By providing #high-speed, low-latency internet services, they can support the digital #transformation of #businesses and bridge the #digital divide in rural #communities. As these #satellite constellations expand and #mature, they will play a #critical role in shaping the #future of #connectivity and #development in the region.



Pragati Singh 🇮🇳🇸🇦

CISM | PMP | CISA | CHFI | GenAI | Program Director | Digital Transformation & Cybersecurity Leader | Chief Transformation Officer | ITO Head